Francesco Hayez was born on the 10th of  February 1791 in Venice and he died on the 21st December 1882 in Milan. He was an Italian painter. He started studying Art when he was young. In 1806, when he was 15, he was admitted to "Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti". He was the greatest exponent of Romanticism. Romanticism is an artistic movement, born in Germany in 1800.

Hayez's most famous work is "The Kiss". It represents a soldier who is going to war. The painting that I chose is "Portrait of countess  Antonietta Negroni Prati Morosini as a Child". It was painted in 1858 and it is oil on canvas. The painting was donated to the Modern Art Gallery of Milan. In the foreground there is the countess. She is wearing a white dress with blue flakes. In her hands there are roses and lilies. The painter chose the white color for the dress and the lilies because they represent the little girl's kindness and innocence. The pink roses show happiness.


On her left, in the foreground, there is a vase with different kinds of flowers such as: petunias, magnolias, camelias and rhododendros.

 The bright colors of the flowers are in contrast with the empty and monochromatic background.


Even though her mother was with her, the little countess was uncomfortable while the painter painted her and this feeling is shown on her face. I chose this painting for is technique: flowers are detailed. I like the colors of the flowers in contrast with the background dominated by grey.

Barbara Tomanin